Hi! Welcome to Be Blessed!

I value introductions, I hope you will also.
My full name at birth was Debra Gaye’ Clayton.
My dog is “Faith Ann Love”
She is a gift from God, woman's best friend!
Growing up my family always called me Gaye’.
On my journey, I have been married and divorced, unfortunately, more than once. Each time taking a different last name. By the time I reached 45 I was a broken, dysfunctional mess. I had no clue who I was. Or, which name to use. After an amazing experience the Lord told me to change my name back to Clayton and to go by Debra Gaye’. Each time I introduce myself I'm praising God for my new identity in Christ Jesus! All Glory to God!
One afternoon, in my mid forties, my pain became so unbearable and my heart was broken once again. I looked up and screamed and shook my fist in rage at God “Why doesn't anyone love me! I fell on the floor curled up like a baby and began to cry convulsively. I heard a voice from heaven, saying “ I love you”. “I Love you.” Point break! I really don’t know how to explain what happened but I know it was supernatural and when I finally got up from the floor I had a desire to know this God whose voice I clearly heard say “ I love you”!
First, I should probably mention I was really not a “Church Girl”.
Sure, I had been to church before but my experience was little more than sitting in a pew and listening to a sermon. My head had heard about God, but my heart did not know God. He was not real in my life.
Before I was a believer I really tried everything I knew to try to be a good person but it was like some invisible force would knock me down just about the time I got everything going in the right direction, the rug would be pulled out from under me and I would fall once again. I still have scars to prove it.
I treasure the Wednesday night when Brother Larry Miller of Cowboy Church taught from Ephesians “we are not fighting flesh and blood but rulers, authorities, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Finally, I understood who my real enemy was and God has been equipping me to fight ever since. I’m still in the battle and that is the whole purpose of Be Blessed.
At that point in my life I had no idea of all the lies the enemy had me trapped in. As I have walked with the Lord these seventeen years he has truly changed my life and healed my heart and has taught me how to live in the “Blessing of the Lord”. As I have learned to let this Jesus of the Bible, love me and for me to love him, I have found the truth does truly set you free and Jesus died for you and me to Be Blessed.
My life scripture is to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself.
You are my neighbor.
Through my journey I have learned a thing or two that might possibly change your life for the better and help you Be Blessed!
The Purpose of Be Blessed is to create events and environments where women can be empowered and experience truth, love, and be free from the pains the world inflicts on us. The Word says “ you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free, and if the son sets you free you shall be free indeed.” then you will Be Blessed.